Welcome to Crafting Camps!

If you just purchased, you should get en email titled "You are now enrolled in Crafting for Profit Camp". If you did NOT get that email, look for an email that says "confirm your account" in order to confirm your enrollment.

On mobile, rotate your phone sideways for best results. Contact [email protected] for further assistance!

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Meet Your Hosts

angie holden
Angie Holden

I'm the blogger and YouTuber behind The Country Chic Cottage where I share sublimation and Cricut crafts weekly. These types of crafts can be intimidating so I break down the steps into easy-to-follow tutorials perfect for beginners and seasoned crafters.

cori george
Cori George

I'm the creative mind behind the website and digital shop Hey, Let's Make Stuff! I love inspiring more than seven million crafters a year to make their lives more fun with sublimation tutorials, Cricut and Glowforge crafts, SVG and sublimation downloads, fun printables, and simple DIY projects.